
Showing posts from April, 2020

Types of Bias

Our 'Mind' works in an extraordinary way. Right? It's a mash-up of a multitude of things, such as an operating system/internet/electricity, all housed inside a powerhouse known as the Brain. All the images used here in this blog - Source - Google Since there are a lot of things to process and decisions to be made from our end, we rely on shortcuts. Shortcuts like our desktop/mobile icons that we click and it links us to the main program. These shortcuts are known as Heuristics. In layman's terms, a heuristic is a mental shortcut that assists people to solve problems and make quick decisions. Heuristics are helpful in many situations, but they can also lead to cognitive biases. A bias can be explained as an inclination in favor or against an idea/thing. Most likely in a close-minded, prejudicial, or unfair way. Bias may be natural or learned from others. This can be against an individual, group, or belief and in reality, our biases do affect us and our decision

Growing up in U.A.E - Part 1

I am really grateful that I was raised in the United Arab Emirates for nearly half of my life - 18 years. Dubai was and will continue to be my first home. The United Arab Emirates has 7 states. Abudhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman, Umm-al- quain, Ras al Khaimah and Fujairah. When I think back on those recollections, there are these blurry visual memories of Dubai, my old rented apartment in Naif, and all the other buildings that surround ours. The sounds of the pigeon's wings fluttering on the outside window AC's are still in my thoughts. It's a fine place to start, I suppose. A trip from the delicate to the strong memories. I was a child of the 80's. I had a great time growing up. It was incredible. The World Trade Centre - Dubai was the tallest structure at the time. (Luckily found few images on google, using them here) I remember my dad telling me that the World Trade Centre has more than 35 floors. Wow! By the way, the iconic Sheikh Zayed Road was nothing mor

Random Thoughts - Pain

When Life challenges you, takes you to the extreme or when you lose someone, when you have felt hunger, when you didn't have enough money to pay your bills, when you fail, fail and fail and continuously fail, when you lose your support system and when you have nothing, a sense of freedom awakens from within. You are awake. Your senses begin to work in a way that you don't understand, and with that comes a freedom that doesn't care to please anyone. Freedom that calls you to get up and get moving. From this point the world is yours.  Something just opens up. It's that high without getting high. You wouldn't need any one's approval. You will figure out what is right and what is wrong. Your perspective shifts. You will start enjoying your life. You start observing things around you. The details. You will figure out ways. You understand things. It just comes naturally. Many don't understand this and that's alright. Because once upon a time, I too didn

Random Thoughts - Humans

Ever wondered - What is our purpose on this planet? Our solar system consists of lot of planets. We are yet to discover if its 8,9,13 or more. The only thing that has journeyed beyond the planets and continues to do so is the man-made probe - voyager. There are innumerable solar systems and galaxies in the universe. Much like the Milky Way. We're not even sure how this system functions. We are beyond microscopic microorganisms living on one of these habitable planets. How on 'Earth' is that possible that we are the only habitable planet? Because we are in the right perfect condition to exist. The air we breathe is a work of pure magic. Consider a second without oxygen. Scary. Right? In contrast to the rest of the planets, we are beyond nanoscopic. As humans, aka social animals or beings, consciousness (or ego, as humans call it) is greater than that of any other animal. However, with these came Power, dominance, greed, and so on. Even the so-called "seven dead