Types of Bias
Our 'Mind' works in an extraordinary way. Right? It's a mash-up of a multitude of things, such as an operating system/internet/electricity, all housed inside a powerhouse known as the Brain. All the images used here in this blog - Source - Google Since there are a lot of things to process and decisions to be made from our end, we rely on shortcuts. Shortcuts like our desktop/mobile icons that we click and it links us to the main program. These shortcuts are known as Heuristics. In layman's terms, a heuristic is a mental shortcut that assists people to solve problems and make quick decisions. Heuristics are helpful in many situations, but they can also lead to cognitive biases. A bias can be explained as an inclination in favor or against an idea/thing. Most likely in a close-minded, prejudicial, or unfair way. Bias may be natural or learned from others. This can be against an individual, group, or belief and in reality, our biases do affect us and our decision...